The Art of Ritual in Motion

Explore our past rituals and witness how art, performance, and seasonal ceremonies have woven community, nature, and sacred storytelling into immersive experiences.

Be a witness to each season

Winter Ritual

As winter wraps us in its quiet embrace,
We gather close, find our sacred space.
With dreams like seeds, we softly sow,
Intentions sprout beneath the snow.

The frost may linger, the nights may stay,
But the growing light is on its way.
Now is the time to nurture and tend,
For growth begins where stillness ends. 

Autumn Equinox Ritual

Leaves drift down, the fire glows,
day and night in fleeting pose.
We honor change, we let things fall—
gathering the gifts of harvest’s call

Spring Equinox Ritual

𖥸Can you feel the warmth on your skin as your animal body unfurls into spring?
𖥸Slowly we are infused in the growing hours of light to find a balancing point come the Equinox tide.
𖥸A time to celebrate our emergence, connect with the creative, potential and playful spirit of Spring.
𖥸At this time of the year, we give thanks to the fertile spark within & without.Honouring our many deaths this Winter, to embrace the emergence of Life within and across the land.
𖥸It is a time to call in & balance parts of ourselves so that we may know our role within the Web of Life and offer our gifts. We allow ourselves to shed our wintery skin with the lustral waters of spring!

Winter Solstice

On this longest night may the sacred darkness embrace me in quite suspension. Paused upon this threshold between what has been and what is yet to come. this beautiful liminal space where it is timeless and transformation whispers beneath the surface of the in-between. A space that is not to be rushed through but fully felt, explored and honour the stillness. Where dreams take root in the fertile dark embracing the energies that bridge what was with what will be.

“We (Aliya, Sophia, William) found it a moving and inspiring event; really worthwhile and different.

We've been looking for ways to share our ecological concerns through shared artistic experiences. It's very important and this was a great initiative, really well executed by exceptionally capable performers.”

— William Heath

Video Testimonial