Last year we hosted 4 sold-out shows, each receiving amazing feedback from our audiences expressing how this work feels necessary, relevant, & deeply needed for community. This reinforced our belief that combining art, ritual, & ecological awareness resonates strongly & plays an important role in addressing the urgent issues facing our planet, motivating us to continue & develop this work.

About us

Rooted in collaboration with the cycles & seasons of nature to inspire & inform the work. We co-create shows with our local community connecting ecological themes to lived experience.

Anchored in the beautiful cycles of decay, transformation and regeneration. Our shows are performed in alignment with the solstices/equinoxes, connecting to the underlying energies of the 4 seasons.

We create shared spaces for reflection, connection & collective action.

We offer an inspiring space for everyone to breath through performance & seasonal ritual to deepen our connection/relationship to the earth and a sense of kinship with all beings. Recognising that we are nature—inseparable and intertwined—we embrace what it means to be truly of the wild.

About our Rituals

Our performances are immersive & participatory, reflecting community voices to deepen a sense of shared custodianship over our environment.

The show is a weave of inclusive reflections & guided participation in various arts to connect to the underlying energies of each season.

The ritual aims to break down the barriers between audience & performers co-creating an experience that feels inclusive, where the audience actively participates in the creation.Performances emerge from the songs & music created by the audience.

The audience is invited to participate as much/little as they choose, creating a ritual & performance in which they are both a part of & witnesses to. 

Our emphasis is on creating an experience that transcends aesthetics, focusing on feeling, presence & a heightened awareness of nature & community.

Our Values

Our Mission

We believe there is a call to creative minds to respond to the ecological crisis. As the ecosystems begin to fail there isn’t a more important time to weave together ecological activism with the metaphorical language of art to stir audiences hearts & minds into positive action for a regenerative future.

We are advocates for natures rights, reciprocity, kinship, relationship to nature and social change.

By telling new stories of wholeness, interconnection, and hope, our project counters narratives of environmental destruction with those of renewal and possibility

We believe regeneration begins with relationship. Through collective rituals and participatory art, audiences experience what it means to nurture something larger than themselves. This shared experience of co-creation – whether through planting symbolic seeds, singing together, or reflecting on seasonal change – creates a mindset of stewardship and regeneration with the community and the land.

Healing the earth begins with reimagining our relationship to it. We hope to inspire active hope & belonging to cultivate deep reflections on how we live as creative custodians upon the Earth.

Not one thing is going to solve this crisis.We need multiple solutions & approaches, we need to reach across genre & disciplines to co-create the ideas that couldn’t have come into being without the provocations & dialogue of collaborative action.It’s the weaving together of art & science, factual & imaginable that will help us build new ideas & structures to find new ways of knowing & creating, moving towards a future where everything is interconnected.

Our project aims to go beyond traditional performance models through active audience engagement & co-creation of the ritual. We design the framework to be dynamic, continuously responding to the participants in the moment. The ritual is not predetermined, but shaped in real-time by the participants, allowing for spontaneity & adaptation based on the energy & contributions of those present.

This dynamic approach allows for a unique & responsive experience tailored to those involved, making each performance a unique collaboration. The audience actively contributes by sharing their experiences & intentions, blurring the line between performers & the audience. Participants are included in singing/drumming, movement & choreography, & contribute to the creation of the performance space by making earth mandalas, creating a sense of co-creation & shared ownership. We prioritise inclusivity by making art, performance, & nature accessible to all, regardless of cultural or socioeconomic background. We offer sliding scale & subsidised ticket options to ensure affordability.

We hope to inspire transformations in the communities we serve by offering inspiring spaces for everyone to breathe through performance & landscape, infusing environmental awareness & art into community spaces through participation and co creation. Rituals involving the natural world can create unity, emotionally connecting individuals to environmental causes, helping to shape community & support broader social & environmental change.

How went tend to our mission


We have thoughtfully considered a diverse range of cognitive styles & sensory spectrums in planning our events, mirroring the vibrant diversity of human existence, & providing a multi-sensory experience that goes beyond visual elements. We are mindful of language choices that may inadvertently exclude people, avoiding language that assumes a singular mode of perception & opting for inclusive language that embraces various ways of processing information to resonate with a range of cognitive processes. Not everyone visualises, some rely on different modes of imagination, such as words, feelings, sensations. Our work includes language that embraces various ways of processing information. Crafting atmospheres with consideration to factors such as lighting, acoustics & spatial arrangements. Workshops provide an opportunity for participants to preview the environment before the show, alleviating anxiety & unfamiliarity. Nature experiences naturally encompass multi-sensory elements, tactile exploration, ambient sounds & opportunities to interact with the natural environment through touch & smell.

A sensory offering


We gathered feedback from our audience to understand how our performances resonated with them. Watch this video to see how this work is necessary and relevant, creating connection, reflection, and a deeper relationship with nature.

“It grounded me at a significant moment of seasonal change. It made me stop, think, admire. It marked the spring equinox with ritual and beauty.”

— Jimmy LWA